Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Damage Control

As the title of this post already suggests... I am in damage control mode.

Since the sprint triathlon on Saturday was more or less another workout for me, to test out some new equipment (Garmin quick release), nutrition (practicing to drink enough, gel blasts) and pacing on the run, I was planning to do another ride in the afternoon and Terry wanted to join. SCORE! Having my best buddy as training partner. SWEET!

We took off to do the "Green Valley" Loop, which is a little over 20 miles from/to the house. I was planning on riding comfortably and not pushing too hard. Everything was alright, if you ignore the continued no-show performance of my legs. During the bike leg of the race that morning and also on this afternoon ride, I felt a little pain in my left buttock. That's the side that I have constantly piriformis issues, so I just ignored it. UNTIL ignoring it was just not possible anymore, because it felt like somebody was stabbing me with a knife. What the heck??? It got so bad that I got off the bike at one point to stretch, but it really didn't do anything. I still had a couple of miles to get home and the rest of the way I took it super easy and fortunately didn't get another attack of crippling pain. But something was just not quite right.

On Sunday then, a training buddy and I drove up to Kings Mountain State Park again, to join the Rock Hill Tri Club for another installment of a course preview. I was able to keep up during the first 10 miles, that are fairly flat, but as soon as the rolling hills started, I felt the pain creeping up on me again and the only thing that seemed to keep it at bay was sitting really upright (think beachcruiser upright) going up the hills and don't push it. As soon as I tried to generate power with my glute muscles, the pain got worse. Fortunately, nothing like the day before, but that was also due to the fact that I didn't try too hard. Of course I wasn't able to keep up with the group, but that's okay. At least I saw the course another time and hopefully by the time the race rolls around, I don't have to worry about stabbing pains in the butt anymore.

Last night, I headed out for a very easy recovery ride on a flat course, just to move a little bit... There was only very little discomfort and right now, I am not sure, if this is just soreness from rolling out that area so much over the last couple of days. Funny enough, I don't feel it during running at all. That's a good thing.

My damage control mode looks like this: stop when it hurts, don't push through the pain.... I don't think right now that I need to stop cycling, but have to make sure to keep it at a level that doesn't aggravate the muscle more.

Then of course I keep on drinking healthy smoothies: recoverite, spinach, acai berry juice and frozen mixed fruit:

Ice, ice baby.

Rolling, rolling, rolling.... Terry is torturing giving me massages with the roller.

And I look at cuteness. Cuteness can cure anything! ;-) Side note: Karma claimed the couch in the downstairs living/ exercise room that nobody uses anyways. If that means that she doesn't bother me at nights, she can go right ahead.

So long! ;-)

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