Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter Vacation Recap: Runner's Paradise

With fresh memories of our Germany vacation still in our minds, Terry and I do a lot of comparing of living in Germany vs USA. The contents of these conversation would fill at least one blog post and I might just go into more detail one of these days and write that post. Also, we both didn't necessarily agree and what is to be counted as a pro vs a con all the time. One thing we did agree upon was that Germany is a RUNNER'S PARADISE!

You don't believe me? Here are some visuals for starters!

Chapel on top of the hill... Great for hill repeats!

Amazing views and trail after trail after trail.

View from my room at my parent's house. Even with snow, great trails for running!

I step out of the house, head through the village on sidewalks and then go from there on the bike/ multi-purpose trail. Long runs with ever changing scenery without even having to use the car is a piece of cake. Given that the trails are better suited for bike touring than road bike riding, but that's why this post is called Runner's Paradise! ;-)

The trail network in the Kraichgau is miles and miles long (I actually tried to find the number, but wasn't lucky) and if the Kraichgau is not enough for you, the trails connect to neighboring regions as well. Actually, Germany has such a well established trail network that you hardly ever have to go on the road when traveling by bike or foot. On top of that, if you have enough of the beaten paths, you just take a random turn and find your own route, through the woods, fields, meadows or vineyards on farm tracks... Most of it is public property, so you welcome to walk or bike there if it's not clearly stated that it's private.

How does that sound you??? ;-)

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