Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Check List Item: Garbage Bag

These days, when I am not working or working out (easy, it's taper week), I try to figure out the small stuff. Like the name of the hotel that we made a reservation, what and where to eat, when to leave here, carry a water bottle or not, where to put my Blok Shots if I am not taking my handheld water bottle, take a phone with me or not and most importantly out of all these questions is WHAT TO WEAR! OMG!!!! The half is just three (!!!) days away and I haven't figured it out yet... Well, not completely anyways, since everything is still up in the air with the weather man and such.

Right now the forecast calls for partly cloudy high of 50 degrees. The race start is at 6:30AM and with that is, as far as I remember, the earliest I ever had to be at the starting line... And daylight saving time hasn't even begun yet.

Keeping all these points in mind, my clothing choices right now are: black Malone Coaching T-Shirt, white arm warmer with argyle pattern, yellow running short (for some color) and most likely the Brooks Adrenaline. In my bag for Myrtle Beach will also be some capris and my Adidas trail shoes in case I have a change of heart coming race morning.

Today, I added another item on my race check list and that would be a garbage bag.

Just that we have the same understanding about what kind of garbage bag I am talking about.

It's this (no name, ca. 0.1 USD):

Not this (Louis Vuitton, ca. 2,000 USD):

The difference: One is disposable and one looks disposable! Don't think I am cheap or whatever, but I suspect the first garbage bag is going to keep me a little warmer while waiting in my corral! ;-)

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