Thursday, February 23, 2012

Doing the Conga

Here we are at the tail end of February. The weather can't decide if it's winter or already spring, giving the immune system a lot of work. A couple of my co-workers have been victim of some sort of malaise in the last couple of weeks and thanks to central air and heat in the office, everyone's germs go everywhere. Well, maybe not everywhere... since they fixed the A/C in our office a couple of weeks ago, it's not working at all... At least it's not freezing cold, but I sure don't look forward to summer at this point.

Back on the topic... The malaise... I haz it or maybe not... Since Monday I have this funny thing going on in my throat and after initially ignoring it, I now went into full force preventative measures... I am doing the "Conga" again, as in "Congaplex" a whole food supplement that my chiropractor recommended back in December to fight off some stuff that I felt coming on back then. I actually took it, felt better, stop taking it. Felt something coming on a week later, started taking it again, felt better and then stopped. A week later, started feeling something coming on, for whatever reason didn't start on the Congaplex regiment and sure enough was out of commission in the first week of January. I like to think, I learned a little from that and I am popping those babies religiously since then... From now until the end of cold and flu season!

In the meantime, I am getting in a decent amount of training... Good rides, good runs, good swims... I really can't complain!

Last Saturday, we had the pleasure to join a group ride from Tigerville over the watershed up to Saluda to Tryon, around Lake Lanier and ending the ride in Landrum for a total of 35 miles. It was a nice hilly ride at a relaxed pace with a fun group... The weather was close to perfect and the food in Landrum was yummie too. Point to point trips are just really nice, even though the logistics of a trip like that are more complicated. So thanks again for everyone involved to make it happen! And thanks for the cookies! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad the conga works for you! i wish i could notice a difference with all the supplements i've been on...
