Monday, October 31, 2011

Yoga Room

Remember the little switcheroo, I mentioned a couple of weeks ago?

All of the hard work that we put into this weekend was followed by more hard work and elbow grease over the last two weeks. While we still had several rooms look like storage facilities, we are now down to just the office still looking a little all over the place.

Besides the bed room (which I absolutely love now), we now have something resembling an exercise room. A room, that has enough space to put down a yoga mat, can close a door, so the dog doesn't jump all over me and is not the bed room. It also holds Terry's and mine excessive amount of workout gear.


Eventually, this room might even house the bike trainer too... We'll see. Right now, I am just so happy about the progress we made in the house over the last couple of months and to be able to enjoy the space.


  1. I'm making a yoga room too! It's very exciting.

  2. way to go! cleaning and purging - feels good. hopefully all your workout clothes won't overtake this room ;)
