Friday, October 28, 2011

Security Question Freak Out

This past week, I had to fill out some extra paper work to get access for a program at work. In order for them to issue a digital certificate, I received this list of questions and it moved me into panic mode within five seconds:
* What was your childhood nickname that most people do not know?
* In what city was your mother born? (Enter full name of city only)
* In what city was your father born?  (Enter full name of city only)
* What is the first and last name of your childhood best friend?
* What is the first and last name of your mother’s father? (Your maternal grandfather)
* What is the first and last name of your father’s father? (Your paternal grandfather)
* What was the name of your first pet?
* What was the first and last name of your maid/matron of honor at your wedding?
* What was the first and last name of your best man at your wedding?
* What is the first and last name of your oldest niece?
* What is the first and last name of your oldest nephew?
* What is the first and last name of your first manager?
* What was the first and last name of your first girlfriend/boyfriend?
* What was the last name of your favorite teacher in your final year of school?
* What was the first concert you attended? 
* What was the first foreign country you visited?
I would have to research half of this or just come up with answers and then try to remember what I came up with.
Eventually, I actually read through all of the instructions and as it turns out, I'll just have to pick one as my security question. Phew! That really got the heart pumping for a little while!
Now be honest: Could you answer all of these questions right away??

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