Tomorrow, I have my first bike ride on tap... Just an easy spin in the small chain ring and I guess my first "serious" workout back will be a run on Sunday. My body is feeling better every day and the easy workouts, the sleeping in and the eating whatever I want this week certainly helps.
Starting next week, things are going to get a little more normal and with races lines up over the next three weekends (11K Trail Run, MTY Sprint Tri and a 3K Open Water Swim - seriously, what was I thinking!), I will also once again get more serious about my nutrition.
But before I move on, I just wanted to mention a couple more things, that didn't quite fit into the ride report or that I just completely forgot to mention:
- I can't wait to get back on the bike... No, I am not kidding!
- Somebody mentioned, that AOMM is in the top ten of the hardest rides in the US and I caught myself googling last night, to find the other 9 rides (no success yet) that I want to do now... Or is there something like 50 states epic bike rides??? ;-) Oh boy, I am in trouble.
- They were right when they said, that you get addicted to Mitchell... I am not quite yet saying that I will do it all over again next year, but I am not saying that I am done with the mountain either! ;-)
- The outpour of support from family, friends, team mates and co-workers during this whole process was insane and I am so very thankful for it.
- Having a GPS tracker (review and details to follow) with me on the ride was making me feel like people were "watching" me, so I made sure, I didn't slack! ;-) And they were watching!! I had tons of e-mails and facebook messages. Also, I walked into work the next day and people stopped to tell me that they followed me along! That was awesome!
- Our riding time was 8 hours and 20 minutes... So we spent 1 hour and 10 minutes in the rest stops... It makes me wonder what is possible next year... Not saying, that I am going to do it again! ;-)
- Yesterday, I got an e-mail saying in the first line "calling all climbing junkies and their families"... Now, I am really in trouble! ;-)
- In the process of preparing for Mitchell, there were a lot of question marks... Due to having a great coach, I never questioned my training though! Thanks, Katie!!!
LOL. Well this is all good -- at least you're not sick of riding! Next up: riding aacross the US :)